Tag Archives: Conflict

These days in the past week of Canadians have been focused upon remembrance

In addition to remembering our fallen today, I hope citizens will remember the reasons behind why we have fallen citizens.  At the core or ground zero of the conflict there  where differences and  the strategy was to engage in fighting to resolve it.  An example of micro  creating a countries macro experience.

These micro behaviours are still alive in our culture today on a daily basis in our moment to moment experiences.

Is now the time to expand our conscious awareness and do better?

 It all begins with intention.

by Renee Lindstrom, GCFP @ Inside Awareness,  Living in Natures Love Blog
 & Renee Lindstrom Live



Receiving the pain of humanity one conversation at a time!

Listening Spiral Inward

Listening Spiral Inward

Last night I was asked about the emotion in my eyes in an empathy coaching session the previous day.  I couldn’t remember the specific incident, however, I knew the depth of caring alive in me from witnessing the results of some very destructive communication and manipulative behaviour to get ones needs met at any cost.

It brought back a memory of being in an empathy healing session with  Dr. Marshall Rosenberg, author and creator of Nonviolent Communication.  As our session deepened I observed a pool of pain in his eyes that could only be a result of his pain for humanity. In Buddhist teaching this eye contact was much different.  The reflection in Buddhist Rinpoches that I have experienced are compassionate without the depth of pain Marshall’s had.

Considering this, I am comparing that Marshall’s empathy program is unencumbered and simple.  It takes one inward towards the root cause of the experience and to one’s integrity while the Buddhist practice and talks are based upon;  learning mindful meditation, spiritual dogma, faith, devotion  and  a focus on examples using storytelling of the past to pass knowledge and discernment on. I have found with Marshall’s integration you can focus your attention and go to the center, while in Buddhism integration isn’t so direct.  I believe all Rinpoches have compassion and  I know their devotion to humanity is tremendous.  Each day they give reverence to those who crossed their path that day before retiring.

From this above personal experience I believe empathy is intimate, vulnerable, connected to the immediate experience and identifies the individual needs while compassion is  a fuller experience and not directly  connected to the immediate needs.  I experience empathy to lead to compassion.

Check out upcoming workshops or book  your own personal movement or empathy coaching session

Renee Lindstrom, GCFP,
 Authored  Achieving your Goals  31 Day Program, Sleep Sweet Sleep, Kid’s Peace Bus Calendar of Values  Educational Program & InTouch with Your Values Self-Actualization Program.Feldenkrais® Practitioner since 2007, Communication & Empathy Coach since 2004, Art of Placement  since 2000, Labyrinths of Victoria since 2012, #yyj Peace Week Grassroots Calendar Founder, Vice-Chair of World Children’s Summit on Peace & Nature in 2015



16 Reasons why to  explore Body, Mind & Heart Connection @ Inside Awareness?


  1. Experience a deeper connection to self .
  2. Increase self-value and trust in yourself, knowing you are doing what’s right for you.
  3. Connect to your boundaries and learn how to voice them in a safe  way without conflict!  
  4. Stop compromising.  
  5. Learn how to have  choice.
  6. Improve your posture! Walk, sit, stand, sleep, breathe, think and feel better.
  7. Increase your understanding of your self image and how it is holding your back from success!
  8. Stop feeling alone & lonely?
  9. Turn abusive relationships into empowering experiences!
  10. Stop doubting yourself when it comes to decision making.  
  11. Learn how to transition from taking things personally by developing skills to translate difficult messages.
  12. Move through fear to build relationships and find love.
  13. Understand how to resolve differences.
  14. Improve your odds of finding partnerships where you are  valued.
  15. Ending your relationships with more ease, respect and  moving forward with less attachment!
  16. Becoming aware of the culture created  by your parenting style (or your parents and their’s before them).

Read more about Inside Awareness

Renee Lindstrom, GCFP,
Feldenkrais® Practitioner since 2007, Value-Based Communication & Empathy Coach since 2004, Art of Placement  since 2000, Founder of Greater Victoria Peace & Intercultural Celebrations since 2010 & Greater Victoria Labyrinths since 2012, #yyj Peace Week Calendar Founder – 2014 & 2015


Green relationshipsAn attitude of green is the commitment to practice listening to what is meaningful inside and the willingness to hear others before drawing conclusions. Green isn’t one side trumps the other..   Green is inclusive, it isn’t exclusive.  It holds everyone and everything equally.   Our values are not in conflict, our solutions are in conflict.

Green meets humanities needs. It is a space within that connects us to the value of life and the willingness for balance in giving back so everyone and everything thrive’s.  It is a natural cycle of giving and receiving that turns as the turning of night and day.  Imagine the moon and sun falling out of balance with one becoming dominate and one lesser than.

It requires tolerance and balanced lifestyles to increase mindfulness and patience to make better choices and find ways to resolve differences.  Some ways to consider achieving effective day to day balance and enrich life for those times that seem helpless follow:

Setting intentions for next year!

Three points for success with setting your goals and keeping them:

  • include a balanced view of all your life areas while setting your goals:  heath, wealth, fame, love, creative, future, community, career, personal development, ecology
  • connect to the roots of your desire for a meaningful incentive to stick to them
  • create an environment for success
How many times have you set goals on December 31st only to fail in the first week of January?  This year plan for success now!    Explore programs & workshops 

Balance between

mind (solving puzzles) &

mindfulness (spaciousness)

Maze Labyrinth Hearts

A maze is a puzzle and can be confusing. It reflects challenge and requires mind solving focus versus mindfulness! Have you considered how mindfulness supports and balances mind solving skills? Too much challenge can create limited focus and panic. A pathway that leads to mindfulness creates open space for increased brain power for meeting and navigating challenges!

Communication & Movement for Mindful Awareness for Adults

4 Personal Commitments for effective ‘Green Communication’

1.  Self Reflection:

  • identifying felt sensory awareness (sensing, feeling, emotions)  while noticing thoughts, opinions, believes and interpretations and letting them go

 2.  Speaking honestly:

  • about how you are affected and not what you think

 3.  Willingness to set aside differences:

  • hearing how others are affected  (conflict is at the level of  belief, thoughts, opinions and personal interpretations)

4.  Identifying and connecting to values before solutions:

  • After first three steps, then and only then,  develop solutions based on every-ones input and ideas.

  The Practice of Empathy Nature

Empathy Nature

will develop a state of mindfulness and increases conscious awareness
increase communication efficiency
reduce life draining experiences and increase productivity

What are your values

Explore a simple and insightful practice for integrating a personal culture of  values.  Using a traditional style circle of communication that nurtures mutual support, setting goals safely and respectfully.  Build skills for social change. NEW FOR 2015 Personal Calender & Agenda –  Integrating Values Daily!  Talk and Walk Values to get your needs met more easily!

Read more now
Children’s Educational Programs for Schools & Families @ www.cultureofvalues.com

The 4 Commitments of Green Movement

The goal in this style of movement is spontaneity.  This is achieved through these four commitments.

1.  Commitment to Stop and Check in

Commitment to slow down and stop

2.  Transition from thinking to sensing

Mindful focus on  your inner sensations from the inside out

3.  Exploring with curiosity

Curiously explore your movement actions and reactions

4.  Practice to integrate

This movement is a system that increases inner wisdom of all aspects of self.  It is not a first aid nor a philosophical path.  It is reuniting of whole movement interrupted through the generalized and institutionalized educational system.

Movement Options:



  •  Labyrinth’s  – pathway in to heart center connection and back out


Renee Lindstrom, GCFP,
Feldenkrais® Practitioner since 2007, Communication,  Empathy,  Values Coach since 2004, Art of Placement  since 2000, Labyrinths of Victoria since 2012, #yyj Peace Week Grassroots Calendar Founder, Vice-Chair of World Children’s Summit on Peace & Nature in 2015


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Conflict – getting InTouch definition

When I went on line to read the definitions of the word conflict I found the focus to be on analyzing the experiences versus understanding the source of the behavior.  As well,  there was only focus on negative behavior.   getting InTouch’s definition is quite different.  It is not written from the perspective of someone’s opinion and (t/pr)eaching, but  written for understanding, learning and integration of one’s own interpretation of it!  The focus shifts inward for understanding and away from looking outside at external explanations.  After-all, how can you integrate an analysis into your habitual behavior to change it?  You can’t!  You need the steps for change.

getting InTouch definition:

The term conflict is an evaluative expression of a reactive experience.  It begins with perception that is filtered through opinions and beliefs which create emotion that results in a reaction or action.  Conflict is a label to name an experience.  It is not limited to negative experiences.  Conflict occurs when there is  an interruption to one’s ordinary experience in the moment.  It is not the resulting behavior.  It is one’s unique *perspective and emotions that arise with met or unmet needs that then is followed by the action taken to meet that need.  This is then what creates conflict for others.

*Our perspective and emotions are unique to us and learned from our own personal background of learning, faith and family history.  No one else has the same unique perspective.
  • Simple examples that all happened while writing this post:

1.  Conflict between two people:

My daughter interrupts my work to ask me my opinion about a program we watched the night before and when I share  my opinion she raises her voice and tells me I am wrong. Feeling impatient I simply cut her off and say, “Forget it, I am not having this conversation now!”  My conflict is that my needs for ease and peace to focus on my work are not being met and I am frustrated.  We do not have a connection as neither of our needs are met!  She interrupted me to have a connection herself and when she didn’t agree with my interpretation my resulting reaction would create pain for her.  Her need would not have been met and there would be consequences.  She’s hurt and angry.

2.  Inner conflict and conflict between two people:

The same daughter interrupts me later to give me affection and we hug.  I have a need met for connection and I also have a need to focus on my work.  Therefore I experience a conflict in the moment of these two sets of needs.  I feel loving and rushed at the same time.  She may feel disappointed and confused at not having my full attention yet also had her need for touch is met.

3.  Conflict with connection:

My daughter is dancing while I am working and I stop to watch.  I smile at the pleasure I am feeling and she comes over for a soft hug and we connect in a warm and joyful way.  I still have a need to continue to work yet in the moment connecting with her was a greater need.  She responded and her need was met in the moment.

Conflict happens at the level of perception and experiencing the emotions, followed by the actions we take (or not take) to met our needs.  

Imagine if we began to learn our behavior and stopped analyzing and judging it!  We’d be the change we want to be in the world!

Renee Lindstrom – 10/27/13

Tip for connecting:

Learning to differentiate your thoughts. Purpose: to notice the source of your actions. Reason: Not everyone has the same past as you so cannot fit into your perspective! If you want to connect (rather than have conflict) it is important to notice the difference between your automatic response based on old stories  and what is happening in the “now” ~  present moment.


May Newsletter

May Newsletter

Articles on success of April’s Campaign, Upcoming events & Classes and New – Weekly relationship tips with our love partners in mind!