Tag Archives: Lonely

16 Reasons why to  explore Body, Mind & Heart Connection @ Inside Awareness?


  1. Experience a deeper connection to self .
  2. Increase self-value and trust in yourself, knowing you are doing what’s right for you.
  3. Connect to your boundaries and learn how to voice them in a safe  way without conflict!  
  4. Stop compromising.  
  5. Learn how to have  choice.
  6. Improve your posture! Walk, sit, stand, sleep, breathe, think and feel better.
  7. Increase your understanding of your self image and how it is holding your back from success!
  8. Stop feeling alone & lonely?
  9. Turn abusive relationships into empowering experiences!
  10. Stop doubting yourself when it comes to decision making.  
  11. Learn how to transition from taking things personally by developing skills to translate difficult messages.
  12. Move through fear to build relationships and find love.
  13. Understand how to resolve differences.
  14. Improve your odds of finding partnerships where you are  valued.
  15. Ending your relationships with more ease, respect and  moving forward with less attachment!
  16. Becoming aware of the culture created  by your parenting style (or your parents and their’s before them).

Read more about Inside Awareness

Renee Lindstrom, GCFP,
Feldenkrais® Practitioner since 2007, Value-Based Communication & Empathy Coach since 2004, Art of Placement  since 2000, Founder of Greater Victoria Peace & Intercultural Celebrations since 2010 & Greater Victoria Labyrinths since 2012, #yyj Peace Week Calendar Founder – 2014 & 2015