Tag Archives: Language of Landscape

Front Door

Front doors are considered the mouth of incoming energy, or chi, to a property.  It is the entrance that is the starting point of your architectural design and life mapping regardless of what culture you are following.  Traditionally the best direction for a feng shui front door is south facing.  It is considered auspicious to have a south facing door.  This is why the red door became popular, as red is the color of the south direction!  This compass direction is taken while standing inside facing outward.  In other cultures the best facing direction differs therefore the best focus of ones attention could be placed on what creates the best flow to and through the front door!

The front door makes a statement and draws  toward it the energy it reflects.  If you have a welcoming and interesting front door this will be a different experience from a neglected front door!  Examine your reactions to  these front doors:

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A red door is considered good luck yet you would not want to randomly paint your door red!  A red door reflects a south facing direction.  Consideration to placement, colors and the elements is suggested beforehand!  If you door faces East the best color would be  a green or brown door!  White for a west facing door and black for a north facing door.  The transition directions such as North East, North West, South East and South West have their own color choices!

It is best to start with a focus on creating a door free from obstructions and to consider plants, color or sound to draw attention to this entrance.

Remember the front door represents the energy of the home!

If you are longing for a personal consultation please inquire privately:
renee@insideawareness.com.  Renee Lindstrom offers:

Indoor & Outdoor Landscape Life & Wellness Consulting & Coaching which enhances relationships, emotions and flexible movement awareness!


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Copyright 2014 – 2024 Renee Lindstrom, GCFP
Feldenkrais®, Feldenkrais Method®, Awareness Through Movement®, Functional Integration®, are registered service marks of Feldenkrais Guild® of North America. Feldenkrais Method®

5 Elements featured @ Oneness Wednesdays in June, ’15!

The Church of Truth hosts Language of Nature at Oneness Wednesday’s.  During our time together we explored the characteristics of  the elements of fire, earth, metal, water and wood and introduced how to use these elements to balance or disrupt a space!

Elements in Harmony

  • The nurturing cycle:  Fire creates earth, earth supplies metal, metal creates water, water supports wood and wood creates fire

Elements as Distributors

  • Wood disturbs earth, earth contains water, water puts out fire and fire melts metal

Read more on their individual charteristics

Explore ways to integrate 5 Element Landscape Design in your living experiences.  Call or email us today – 250-361-7508 or renee@insideawareness.com.