Category Archives: Empathy

Balancing reactions through effective listening

Coaching people using empathic listening has open ended the spectrum of situationships. It’s not limited to business coaching, leadership coaching, life coaching, etc., etc. Having an array of different purposes in these sessions has been interesting (a huge personal need) and the style isn’t cheerleading. In my last post I shared the following: Peoples words matter to one’s ability to be in the energy they need to level up. If people are creating conflicts, doubts and sabatoshing your ideas through their feedback this is an obstacle in your ability to manifest it.

I repeated this as it is a common thread through all the situationships I have coached. In the coaching stage pettiness, revenge, anger, strategies to cause harm and rage surface. What I know for certain is that in order to lead a successful life at home and in business these reactions can’t be fed if they are ignited. I call them being in the frying pan of reaction. They need to be defused. That is if you want to have ease, balance and success.

As a business person can you imagine running a business and spending your time and energy on this shadow side versus building an empire. Imagine the quality of the energy within the empire that’s being built. I can’t imagine it’s life enriching. In employee, employers situationships this shadow side could cause irreparable damage to both the business and the staff. In relationships it can be devastating. On occasion it involves whole communities either work or family that I have observed is a quick burnout and crash.

What’s missing for counterbalancing the reaction stage is effective listening. This is not available through family or friends as the typical listening that our culture has set us up for is to increase the flames of the fire and not defuse it. Rather than logically review the actual facts that can be agreed upon to make a connection that results in positive outcomes, reactions escalate and outrageous strategies are put into play. Strategies that are hard to come back from, if ever. That is usually when I get a call. At the end of a relationship, at the end of one’s ability to tolerate circumstances etc. So the next time you find yourself in a situation of listening to someone who is in reaction consider what feedback you’re giving. Are you escalating the situation? If so, ask yourself why, it’s not your situation and neither party is at fault. It usually is a tragic expression of unmet needs. It becomes about you and is no longer about the person having the original reaction. This is the most important aspect of defusing early in the first stages. Why? Usually the original person with the reaction will process it on their own and you may find yourself in an uncomfortable situation. How many of us have had that experience? I remember needing empathy myself in my own relationship and speaking with friends. I would resolve it however my friends would always be unfavourable towards my partner. Ha. Listening, not fanning the flames.

by Renee Lindstrom

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by Renee Lindstrom, GCFP @ Inside Awareness,  Living in Natures Love Blog
Renee Lindstrom Live
Copyright 2014 – 2022 Renee Lindstrom, GCFP

Six ways to balance emotions & reactive behaviours of Scorpio

Transformation of Scorpio

Scorpio  longs for intimacy, depth, sexual fulfillment, deep connections and a tribe.    Traits of this cardinal planet are self-control, personal empowerment, will power and transformation.

The needs of this sign are for honesty, acceptance, space, privacy and autonomy.

How behaviours of out of balance Scorpio may manifest

3rd Chakra oob emotions

Fear:  Rejection

Fear Response:  Bondage, Addiction

Common Scorpio  out of balance emotional statements:

  • They will be sorry!”
  • “(He/She will regret this!”
  • “Their history!”
  • “I can stop anytime.”

In earlier posts three ways of supporting this sign focused upon daily goal setting, foods to support emotional balance and physical movement.

3 additional ways to balance Scorpio emotions  

#1.  Empathy – Awareness through Listening

  • Self empathy and empathy for others can be as easy as learning to listen effectively (replacing habitual reactive responses)
  • Begin empathy feedback for Scorpio’s  with, “You feel……”


#2.  Language of connection – Awareness through Communication

  • Can be as easy as learning to turn separation into moments of connection (stop,right/wrong, blame, shame and critical statements)


#3.  Balance and calm Scorpio’s  environment – Awareness of Space

  • Scorpio’s is a sign of intensity which translates into their desired spaces.  Deep colours, artistic layouts  and a clear flow of energy.  Scorpios will thrive using the arts of Feng Shui.


Book a personalized Coaching session for self, work, group or create a retreat – 250-361-7508


Goals, Food, Movement & Life Style Updates

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by Renee Lindstrom, GCFP @ Inside Awareness,  Living in Natures Love Blog
 & Renee Lindstrom Live

Six ways to balance emotions & reactive behaviours of Virgo

Virgo a mutable earth sign

Virgo is the sign of a healer that influences health and wholeness.  It is a mutable earth sign meaning that Virgo can adapt to different environments.  In balance it reflects acts of kindness and words of support

The needs of this sign are health, meaning, equality, independence, space, organization, clarity. and contribution.  Virgo’s have a deep sense of humanity.

Virgo’s are predominately analytical.

How behaviours of out of balance Virgo may manifest

Fear:  Criticism/Illness

Fear Response:  Attacking  Others

Common Virgo out of balance emotional statements:

  • “You don’t measure up.”
  • “You’re so critical.”
  • “This isn’t good enough.”

In earlier posts three ways of supporting this sign focused upon daily goal setting, foods to support emotional balance and physical movement.

3 additional ways to balance Virgo emotions  

#1.  Empathy – Awareness through Listening

  • Self empathy and empathy for others can be as easy as learning to listen effectively (replacing habitual reactive responses)
  • Begin empathy feedback for Virgo’s  with, “You think……”


#2.  Language of connection – Awareness through Communication

  • Can be as easy as learning to turn separation into moments of connection (stopping right/wrong, blame, shame and critical statements)


#3.  Balance and calm Virgo’s environment – Awareness of Space

  • Virgo’s thrive in clean, ordered, stress-free and peaceful environments.


Book a personalized Coaching session for self, work, group or create a retreat – 250-361-7508


Goals, Food, Movement & Life Style Updates

Follow the Journey on TwitterInstagram or Facebook

by Renee Lindstrom, GCFP @ Inside Awareness,  Living in Natures Love Blog
 & Renee Lindstrom Live

Learning Tools: Conflict Resolution Exercise through pattern of Listening

by Renee Lindstrom, GCFP @ Inside Awareness, Living in Natures Love Blog & Renee Lindstrom Live



Integration of Body, Mind & Spatial Awareness


The exercise is designed for integration prior to resolving any conflict.  It is educational and designed to take out the right and wrong fighting.  It organizes participants into roles that supports getting to the root of the conflict and moving through it to resolve  and move forward willingly.

PDF Download – InTouch Exercise – Conflict Resolution through Listening Skills

Connect to find out more about group leadership and/or communication integration programs

Empathy from cultivating awareness from the inside out

The intent of this article is in the context of how  communication and movement can support the decrease of anxiety, stress & fear.


Natural World Empathy Support 

  • Natures Love plant essences blended by Renee: support body, and minds feelings that block emotions and self-confidence
Learn more
  • Eating Coloured Foods:  Metal, Emotional and Physical Support
Learn more

Find out more on how integrating the arts of movement, communication and space compliment your experience and encompasses a holistic approach to wellness.

Connect with Renee

Follow on TwitterInstagram  Pinterest or Facebook for more tips

Renee Lindstrom, GCFP,
Feldenkrais® Practitioner since 2007, Value-Based Communication & Empathy Coach since 2004, Art of Placement  since 2000, Founder of Greater Victoria Peace & Intercultural Celebrations since 2010 & Greater Victoria Labyrinths since 2012, #yyj Peace Week Calendar Founder – 2014 & 2015

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Learning Tools – Listening & Expressing Exercise with Music

by Renee Lindstrom, GCFP @ Inside Awareness, Living in Natures Love Blog & Renee Lindstrom Live



Integration of Body, Mind & Spatial Awareness

EXERCISE #2 – Developing Inner Listening – EXPLORING FEELING THROUGH MUSIC – Any Age Child through Adult
This exercise connects one to their somatic senses while listening to music.  It is an fun education exercise that  increases mindfulness of different feelings and puts names to them that becomes a true list of feelings versus interpretations.   A sentence with true feeling descriptions is more apt to be heard than interpretations.

Empathy from cultivating awareness from the inside out

The intent of this article is in the context of how  communication and movement can support the decrease of anxiety, stress & fear.


Natural World Empathy Support 

  • Natures Love plant essences blended by Renee: support body, and minds feelings that block emotions and self-confidence
Learn more
  • Eating Coloured Foods:  Metal, Emotional and Physical Support
Learn more

Find out more on how integrating the arts of movement, communication and space compliment your experience and encompasses a holistic approach to wellness.

Connect with Renee

Follow on Twitter, Instagram  Pinterest or Facebook for more tips

Renee Lindstrom, GCFP,
Feldenkrais® Practitioner since 2007, Value-Based Communication & Empathy Coach since 2004, Art of Placement  since 2000, Founder of Greater Victoria Peace & Intercultural Celebrations since 2010 & Greater Victoria Labyrinths since 2012, #yyj Peace Week Calendar Founder – 2014 & 2015

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Learning Tools – Group Listening Exercise using movement

by Renee Lindstrom, GCFP @ Inside Awareness


Integration of Body, Mind & Spatial Awareness

Connection through movement can be a way to explore listening.  Here is an exercise that can be enjoyed by two or more people.  It is an exercise that can introduce mindfulness and increase somatic awareness.

PFD Download – InTouch Deep Listening Exercise – Listening through the senses:  leading and following

Connect to find out more about group leadership programs

Empathy from cultivating awareness from the inside out

The intent of this article is in the context of how  communication and movement can support the decrease of anxiety, stress & fear.

  • Communication:  values & empathy integration in communication for transforming disconnection into connection
  • Movement: calming one’s nervous system.
  • Outside Influences:  increasing levels of tolerance

Compatible posts of interest:

Find out more on how integrating the arts of movement, communication and space compliment your experience and encompasses a holistic approach to wellness.

Connect with Renee

Follow on TwitterInstagram  Pinterest or Facebook for more tips

Renee Lindstrom, GCFP,
Feldenkrais® Practitioner since 2007, Value-Based Communication & Empathy Coach since 2004, Art of Placement  since 2000, Founder of Greater Victoria Peace & Intercultural Celebrations since 2010 & Greater Victoria Labyrinths since 2012, #yyj Peace Week Calendar Founder – 2014 & 2015

Video – Developing Brain, part one

by Renee Lindstrom, GCFP @ Inside Awareness, Living in Natures Love Blog & Renee Lindstrom Live



Integration of Body, Mind & Spatial Awareness


Greater Victoria’s Heather Clayton, Director of Learning at St. Michael’s University School presents, “The Developing Brain.”  Three part video Presentation.

Empathy & cultivating awareness from the inside out

Go to – Part 2 of video presentation

The intent of this article is in the context of how  communication and movement can support the decrease of anxiety, stress & fear.

  • InTouch Communication:  Values & Empathy integration in communication for transforming disconnection into connection
  • Feldenkrais Movement: calming one’s nervous system.


Natural World Empathy Support 

  • Natures Love plant essences blended by Renee: support body, and minds feelings that block emotions and self-confidence
Learn more
  • Eating Coloured Foods:  Metal, Emotional and Physical Support
Learn more

Read more on Brain & Effects of Empathy
Find out more on how integrating the arts of movement, communication and space compliment your experience and encompasses a holistic approach to wellness.

Connect with Renee

Follow on TwitterInstagram  Pinterest or Facebook for more tips

Renee Lindstrom, GCFP,
Feldenkrais® Practitioner since 2007, Value-Based Communication & Empathy Coach since 2004, Art of Placement  since 2000, Founder of Greater Victoria Peace & Intercultural Celebrations since 2010 & Greater Victoria Labyrinths since 2012, #yyj Peace Week Calendar Founder – 2014 & 2015

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