Tag Archives: physical senses

Black & White, Right & Wrong

Are you someone who is experiencing your world experiences in black or white, right or wrong?

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Is so, are you curious and willing to explore and self – inquire based on the following pattern of self-questioning?

  • Are you aware that there is another experience available to you that isn’t  as clearly defined as you perceive it?
Take a moment and imagine how you would describe your body posture and the strength you are using to stand or sit up right.

Ask yourself what type of tree would you use to describe this experience?

If you could choose one of these trees which one would it be:

  • Pine
  • Cedar
  • Oak
Now imagine being a Willow Tree.

Can you transition into this experience with ease?  How does it feel in your body posture?  Does anything change, become softer or more flexible?

If you can easily imagine being a Willow Tree, now consider being Bamboo.

How does this concept come into you and through your experience?  Does it stop and become blocked at the thought of considering this vision or does it carry through to a deeper relaxation into your posture?

For those of you who enjoy experiencing through our physical senses try this exploration out.  Remember to have a curious mind.
  1. Now with a friend, peer or family member stand tall and strong with your feet firmly planted on the floor.   Hold  with resistance.  Have your helper push on you shoulder and feel the resistance and your strength push back.
  2. Let this go and become loose, soft and flexible with your feet still planted firmly on the floor and now in this expression have your helper push on your shoulder.  Feel the lack of resistance, resilience and how you still are able to hold your posture.
  3. Take a moment and reflect on how these two separate experiences through your physical strength, both are strong stances, and give yourself a moment to give feedback on how these two experiences where for you.  Which one is the one that you sense a higher quality of where you would like to be now?  Which one is your habitual reactive self? Which one would you be able to take an easy breath in or do you remember if you held your breathe or not?

Remember we only do what we know until a new experience and more information is available.  In each experience we are meeting our own needs.  It’s how we meet our needs that we could develop deeper awareness about to better fit who we long to be.  Are we meeting our needs through physical, dominate strength or are we meeting our needs through physical flexible strength?

Remember, whatever our bodies are doing, our thoughts will reflect this in our thinking and acting?  Information is perceived through our bodies and our mind translates it, therefore we act.  If our bodies are rigid, our thoughts will be black and white, right and wrong.

by Renee Lindstrom, GCFP, November 8, 2012                                             Follow Renee on Facebook  & on Twitter

