Gratitude of meaningful gifts this week

Voices of the Skeena

My beautiful children gave two different type gift experiences that both connect in someway to my past, the present and the future!  This first one is of a book of oral stories and illustrations from along the Skeena River, my place of  birth, in Northern B.C.

Roy Henry Vickers and Robert Budd presented this book, Voices of the Skeena,  that they have collaborated on at Bolen Books in Victoria, B.C. this week.  They have documented and recorded historical experiences  which is now available through voice recordings, art and written form.

This book would make a wonderful giftget yours here.

Attending with my son was special and a way to connect with him on an area of our province that is familiar to me and not to him.

This second picture is of a gift my beautiful daughter sent to me.  Interestingly enough I had sent a picture of this exact bonsai tree to my sun during the summer.  An intention perhaps of things to come!

Bonsai Grow Kit

The box had four types of seeds and I laughed when discovering three of them are from trees that grow in Northern B.C.  Trees that are not common to the area of  Vancouver Island where I live.  It seems my past is connecting to my present and will continue on into my future!

This makes a wonder gift get yours!

I am attached to the idea of passing on a connection to my childhood through this beautiful and artful book.  Also attached to passing on some living trees that will live on long after me yet, have it’s roots connected to family.   These are the kinds of gifts I can get behind.

by Renee Lindstrom, GCFP @ Inside Awareness,  Living in Natures Love Blog
 & Renee Lindstrom Live

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