Tag Archives: Eye Expression

Your focus is where your attention goes…….

Your focus stimulates your connection physically, ethereally, perceptually, emotionally, mentally and ultimately your connection and contribution to life, environment and planet.


One of the physical areas that is a hit right now in my Feldenkrais work is  eye focus.  It seems that those spending time using Zoom have been getting coaching on how to appear through facial expression and eye contact.  It seems that the focus has gone from full body expression to facial with this current medium for staying in touch!

This leads to a question for consideration.  Do you focus on the world and take aim with your eyes or do you let the world come to you?  If you had to guess, which action would be intense and which action would be soft?

What I am hearing as a need from those on the receiving end of a Zoom connection is for empathy expressions.  Those who haven’t accomplished slowing down and softening their eyes are unable to mask their lack of empathy over Zoom.

If you would be interested in discovering more about ways to cultivate this skill through simple micro-moves connect and arrange a Zoom  session.   This is not a trend for healing yourself or others, it is simply increasing your functional facial expressions that increases your accessibility.

Book a personalized  session for self, work or group

by Renee Lindstrom

Awareness Through Movement® Programs Available:

1st Level – Getting Started (Introduction & Pattern)
 2nd Level – Getting Intouch (Experiencing & Connection)
 3rd Level – Integration (Embodiment)

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by Renee Lindstrom, GCFP @ Inside Awareness,  Living in Natures Love Blog
Renee Lindstrom Live