Tag Archives: Partnership Paradigm

‘Power Over, Power Under and Power With’

A conceptual framework of Dr. Rosenberg’s, Nonviolent Communication is based upon understanding what he describes as ‘Partnership and Domination Paradigms.‘  Ideally with knowledge and practice of  nonviolent communication participants will move towards integrating the values of Partnership paradigms into their relationships.

Domination is life alienating  is dualistic thinking with power over, power under relationships.  It is hierarchical  head-based thinking and depends upon win/lose or lose/lose experiences.

Partnership is life enhancing and creates holistic relationships of power with.  Is is hierarchical based on function, heart-based on compassion and depends upon a win/win experience.

In Victoria for April’s Awareness Campaign for Nonviolent Communication the topic for tomorrow’s Church of Truth’s Oneness Wednesday will be , ‘Beyond right and wrongdoing.’ Presented by Laurel Collins.  Come and explore these concepts with us live and receive the support from a group and live practice opportunities.  It begins at 7:00 p.m. at 111 Superior Street.