Tag Archives: neck shoulders

Neck & Shoulder Pain

Feldenkrais® Method Research

Thirty normal female employees took part in a neck and shoulder pain study, participating in six weeks of Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement classes. Results included increased range of motion in a neck flexion task, significant positive changes in the neck-shoulders-index, and a decrease in complaints from neck and shoulders.

Lundblad, I., Elert, J., Gerdle, B. Randomized controlled trial of physiotherapy and Feldenkraisinterventions in female workers with neck-shoulder complaints. J. Occupat Rehab 9(3): 179-94, 1999.

Ruth, S., Kegerreis, S. Facilitating Cervical Flexion Using a Feldenkrais Method Awareness Through Movement. J Sports Phys Ther.16(1): 25-29, 1992.

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Feldenkrais®, Feldenkrais Method®, Functional Integration®, and Awareness Through Movement®, are Servicemarks of The Feldenkrais Guild®