Tag Archives: fear brain response

Feelings and body-brain responses are not separate experiences

Have you ever considered that feelings and physical movement affect one another and that they are married together?  Have you ever considered that a person’s history of feelings may be creating their current behavior?

Imagine for a moment the feelings of fear.  How does fear affect  body posture and experience?  Fear is a tool  that is designed as a  warning system to get out of danger.   Some of the reactions of fear are:

  • Tensed muscles for  strength and quick action
  • Focused eyes with short-range view 
  • Increased heart rate
  • Quick breathing or stopped all together
  • Mind becomes focused with danger

Imagine the effects if the reactions listed above become chronic and long-term. What would happen in the body?   I have noticed that in some case experiences when  the fear responses have been relaxed physically, mentally and emotionally that their  has been an increase in the ability to  sense physical responses that previously had not been felt.   In order to keep up the fear in ones posture many of the sensory awareness abilities had been shut down!  How does this affect ones perspective?  Any  incoming information would be perceived through fear and corresponding  limited reflexes.  How would this affect  the thought process and resulting reactions?

Are we taught how to engage and disengage our fear reactions  physically, mentally or emotionally during our  early years?  Is a part of  our educational system  teaching children to know when fear emotions are engaged and if so, how to disengage it?  Are we learning that our thinking is the last place information lands in the behavioral process and a reaction includes all the behavioral events of movement posture, sensory awareness, perception, brain process and  memory from cultural influences?

Are we learning that the fear posture we keep up and not processed may become future sources of unconscious  bullying and/or being bullied? That this becomes our relationship with ourselves and others in our networks?


Renee is successfully working with others to integrate a whole system of wellness that includes the development of personal curiosity and exploration which includes creating a safe learning environment.  The focus may be relationship coaching on current, past or future  issues or have a  focus on improving physical movement patterns.  Whether physical, mental or emotional relief comes through learning conscious behavioral change.   She does not focus upon fixing, strategies or diagnosing.  In fact her methods steer clients away from self-limiting labels and focuses upon learning sensory awareness that creates a new type of self-image.  Personal  development that increases self-reliance, independence and confidence.