‘Imagining in your relationship’

2016-03-26 10.02.35-1

When you have decided upon the type of relationship you would like to enjoy, create a reflection of this in your relationship corner.  Remember to use groupings of two.

Remember that when you stop blaming outside influences for your lack of connecting to the perfect relationship situation, this is when you are seriously ready to do the work to meet your hearts desire.  The work begins by being clear and committed to the qualities you are seeking in a partner.  Once you determine these qualities the next question is, “Do you have these qualities yourself.”


Find Renee of Inside Awareness on twitter, linkedin, facebook, pinterest, & instagram 

Renee Lindstrom, GCFP,
Feldenkrais® Practitioner since 2007, Value-Based Communication & Empathy Coach since 2004, Art of Placement  since 2000, Founder of Greater Victoria Peace & Intercultural Celebrations since 2010 & Greater Victoria Labyrinths since 2012, #yyj Peace Week Calendar Founder – 2014 & 2015


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